of Social Science Chapter 6 Critic
In this chapter the
author discusses the reliabilities of rational
choice theory, which implies that the human take the action of the maximized
utility. The economists use the theory to construct the predictions of human
action. The author introduced the cardinal
utility theory, the marginal utility,
and the instrumentalism view of the theories. These theories may not perfectly
express how human do when they are making choices for a behaviorist because
being too psychological, but they are sometimes useful.
The Theory
of Rational Choice
The Theory of Rational
Choice takes a great part on the economics. It was a way of ordering desires.
From the law [L] mentions in the previous parts of the book, the actions are
related to desires. Thus, the marginalists
transformed it to an assumption that people do things rationally. That is,
between all the choices, people will do the most beneficial one. They call the
additional utilities gained from one unit of commodity the marginal utility. By using the idea, they can construct
relationship between quantity and price, finally predict the market-clearing equilibrium. Farther,
they think the equilibrium will happen naturally, so the government don’t need
to do much planning. The phenomena is called by Adam Smith the invisible hand. The preference of a person was called
‘’cardinal utility’’, which is absolute.
However, is this
theory really true? It seems not so in many cases, but we do not have a way to
test if the utilities are deceptive or not. In order to analyzing the theory of
rational choice mathematically, they assumed the ‘’ordinal preference’’:
1. The utility of
commodities is comparable.
2. The utility of
commodities have transitivity, i.e.
a>b and b>c then a>c.
3. People are
rational and will choose the commodity that maximizes the utility.
kind of utility is only relative and only concerns about the behavior (what
people choose).
and Instrumentalism
The cardinal utility
still have failures. People may change through time, and it is difficult to
know if people really does things rationally. For the behaviorists, it is still
too psychological. If we come to
desire and implicit utilities, it is psychology.
Another kind of view is the instrumentalism. It takes a useful
theory only as a tool to systemize human actions. The terms desire and belief are merely nouns invented to be useful. It comes up with the
view of a ‘’black box’’, that is, we can only deal with the ‘’inputs’’ and
‘’outputs’’ of a person, not going to understand mental reality. And all the
theories applied to economy is just models.
One of the idealized
theory invented to predict general equilibrium assume that:
1. Agents are
2. Agent can complete
3. Commodity are
infinity divisible.
4. The production
efficient always remains the same.
5. Purchasing and
selling can be done in any time.
These assumptions can
be analyzed with mathematics and prove the existence of equilibrium. Through
the assumptions may be too idealized, they are essential in economics because
they can make predictions in some range of error. The instrumentalists do not
care about is the theory really true or whether they can applied to human mind.
They just care if the theory is practical or not.
Here comes another
point. A practical view still should be tested by experiment. Without testing,
we can never know our predictions really come true in given conditions. It is
also true in natural sciences and all the idealized theories and laws.
The Benefits of
Only if we view
economics theories as instruments can we applied idealized assumptions and
psychology to real word. The author claims that some progress in psychology can
also benefit the predictions of economics. New psychological phenomenon are
found and studied every day. These results can someday be used in economics and
other social sciences, even though we can hardly what human mind really is.
Personal Opinions
I think that the
psychological view of [L] seems very easy to accept at first sight. In fact, it
is hard to prove. When using rational choice theory to the complex society, we
often found it too difficult to control all the variations. However, maybe we
can observe the human society and economical behaviors with the statistical
methods to find some new laws.