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104學年度上學期經典閱讀 第一份



鬼影幢幢Week 6 Handout 4

Department of Humanities and Social Sciences
Haunting and the Haunted: ghost stories, films and gender

Instructor: Elizabeth  LEE 
TA: Jim WU
19 October 2015
Week 6 Handout 4
I.                 The Gothic: excerpts from Barbara Fuchs’s Romance (New York: Routledge, 2004)
a.      ‘Romancing the Gothic’
1)     Founding rationale: ‘By the mid-eighteenth century, literary scholars in Germany, France, and England were reacting to the dictates of neoclassicism, questioning its privileging of reason, order and proportion. The gradual construction of a “Gothic” tradition to counter the classical legacy of Greece and Rome involved a rediscovery of the literary heritage of the Middle Ages and Renaissance, which had largely been neglected in favour of the classics’ (117-8)
2)     Origins: ‘In the narrow sense, “Gothic” referred primarily to the production of ancient Northern Europeans, the Goths or barbarians who had opposed Rom with their own traditions of liberty and social or organisation’. More broadly, the Gothic designated everything that was not classical: both the vernacular works of the Middle Ages, and those Renaissance texts that eschewed the “rediscovered” classical heritage in favour of “native” traditions’ (118).
3)     Aesthetic merits: 18th century English critics Richard Hurds said of the Gothic to be ‘the more sublime and creative poetry … addressing itself solely or principally to the Imagination’, need not observe the same ‘curious rules of credibility’ (cited from Fuchs 2004, 118-9). ‘Thus, not only is the Gothic recuperated, it surpasses the classical in its direct address to the imagination, becoming the poetic wellspring par excellence’ (119).
b.     Gothic as a genre
1)     Genre characteristics: ‘From its beginnings, the Gothic romance, or novel, is explicitly presented as a mixture of new and old’ (119).
2)     Beginning: ‘The genre is self-consciously inaugurated by Horace Walpole, with The Castle of Otranto (1764), a fantastically popular tale that has appeared in over 100 editions since ifs first publication; (119).
3)     Conventions: ‘Otranto established some of the most enduring conventions of the genre: ancient castles complete with secret vaults and passageways; family secrets; obscure prophecies; ghosts and apparitions; hidden identities. More importantly, it exacerbates the narrative tension attendant on what Richetti calls “persecuted innocence,” a constant among various forms of popular narrative in the eighteenth century, which in this case involves an innocent princess pursued by the lascivious and immortal father of the prince she was to wed’ (119).
4)     Strange Place: ‘despite Walpole’s emphasis on nature, and the rationality attributed to his contemporary and what makes the Gothic so popular is precisely its gallery of marvelous and otherworldly topoi’ (121).
5)     Terror: ‘These “well-wrought scenes of artificial terror which are formed by a sublime and vigorous imagination,” critics conjured, provided a particular kind of pleasure, in which the imagination “rejoices in the expansion of its powers,” so that “the pain of terror is lost in amazement” (121-2).
The Turn of the Screw (1898), excerpts from Priscilla Walton’s ‘“He took no notice of her; he looked at me”: Subjectivities and Sexualities in The Turn of the Screw’ in Peter Beidler’s edition of The Turn of the Screw (Boston: Bedford/St Martins’s, 2013) 3rd edition.
1)     Critical heritage: ‘The Turn of the Screw is one of James’s more enigmatic tales. Although it was written over a century ago, it continues to intrigue readers and attract critical and creative attention. It has been transformed into an opera by Benjamin Britten (first performed in 1954), and has inspired a number of films, such as The Innocents (1961)’ (348).
2)     Key issues: gazing, visibility and invisibility, gender panic at the end of Victorian age, suffragette’s movements, the fear of governess’s sexuality in the Victorian era, women as unreliable narrator, ghost stories.
II.               Reflections on ghost stories:
Personal Assignment
Write a short essay on the treatment of women in Poe’s ‘The Fall of the House of Usher’ and James’s ‘The Turn of the Screw’ in the context of Gothic and ghost stories.

Critic of Philosophy of Social Science Chapter 9

Critic of Philosophy of Social Science
Chapter 9 Holism and Antireductionism in Sociology and Psychology
Thursday, June 9, 2016
This chapter deal with the holism of social science. At first, Rosenberg talked about the definitions of holism and functionalism. Then, he talks about the theory of Durkheim and why it can connect to the core of holism. Rosenberg then compare the holism with rather different reductionism, and discusses the differences. And he uses the concept of supervinience to support the holism. 
The Social Facts and the Holism
The social science deals not only psychological personal actions but also some distinctive social facts. These facts are is objective and not belong to a singular person. They can be observed as the behavior of a group of people. In this case, the idea of the existence of special differences of social facts when we counts large amount of people are called holism. Some people will argue that if there really exists group behaviors that cannot be described by personal causes and actions. Of course, the very complex collective behavior cannot easy be constructed by the units they consist of. Sometime it is just like a ‘’collective conscious’’ making decisions.
Holism relates to another feature of social science—functionalism, which is the method of understand features of society by their ‘’functions’’. On the other side, the methodological individualists claim that all social facts can be explained by generalizing individual behavior and the idiom [L] mentioned in the previous chapters. Traditional aspects from methodological individualists thinks that all the results should only be translated to observations. The failure of this point of view is that it abandons too much of explanatory ability, and the holists do not do so. They imply that the descriptions of social facts should apply the best explanatory functions.
One of the important view that holists holds is that the whole is more than just a group of people. In other words, they may be two kind of social facts, one about the group, and one about the single person. For them, the social facts should supply evidences to the beliefs and ideas. However, this argument do not explain how the small parts influence the whole. To make the viewpoint more convincing, they need a more powerful argument to stand for their idea.
Autonomy of Society
Some sociologists have studied social facts by applying the holism. One example is Durkheim’s research. He analyzed suicide cases, and found out that the suicide cases rises up at some period of time. It is not easy to explain by personal psychology factors. He summed up three different causes of suicide, which are altruistic suicide (too much of social integration), egoistic suicide (too little social integration), and anomic suicide (caused by great and rapid changes of society). He thinks the suicide cases are mainly caused by the structure of the entire society in the meantime. It seems that Durkheim take the view that the society is a whole, integrated, organic unity (which can be describe by the ‘autonomy of society’ or ‘the group mind’). By Durkheim, the so-called the mental states of a person is also a manifestation of the entire society.
If the psychological laws are helpful, they could link the social integrations in to personal psychology, i.e. the sociology is reducible to psychology. This is the opposite of holism because the holists claims that there are always something that cannot be reduced. One of the methods to still apply holism is to view psychology and the mental changes as appendix phenomena. It not caused suicide but is a by-product from a causing-suicide society. Also, the problem with reductionism is that many phenomenon are just too difficult to reduce in to simple laws. We can only describe nearly right general laws in a much more huge scale—the macroscopic scale.
Even in natural science, there are always subjects that cannot reduce to a more fundamental subject in the near future. Rosenberg claims that maybe we can never view social facts as psychological facts even if all the psychological theory is very complete.  That is to say, the social facts can though as a more fundamental and metaphysical laws not just by methodological meaning.
Rosenberg also mentions the philosophical concept of supervenience and multiple realizablity. This means any being can be observed must obey:
(a) This object will have certain kind of composition.
(b) If another subject have exactly the same composition, it will have the same function--supervenience.
(c) There are always multiple ways to form an object that is concluded in some kind of concept (e.g. chair, desk, pencil, person, etc.) – the multiple realizablity.
It is hard to find a term in social science that is not defined by its functions. If the function was defined, we will see the supervenience and multiple realizations it bring. The compositions it supervenes could be actions and behaviors. Rosenberg strongly suggests that the social facts are not easy reducible because the object is not just the sum of all its compositions, and this part stands for the point of view of holists.
Personal Opinions
After reading all the articles, I think it is an interesting to discuss about if it is really impossible to prove all social facts by psychological laws. I think it is not very realistic. There are three reasons:
(1) The psychological laws are not absolute; they are not so precise like physics laws.
(2) The social facts are much more complex than a single person’s thinking. There will be a lot of factors produced by the environment, and it will also be influenced by the composition of the society.
(3) It is very hard to set experiments to prove the relationship between personal laws and the social laws.
However, we can still try to guess what will happen in the future by the laws we have known. 

Rosenberg, Alexander (2016). Philosophy of Social Science (fifth edition), Westview press, ISBN 978-0813345925

Philosophy of Social Science Chapter 6 Critic

Philosophy of Social Science Chapter 6 Critic

In this chapter the author discusses the reliabilities of rational choice theory, which implies that the human take the action of the maximized utility. The economists use the theory to construct the predictions of human action. The author introduced the cardinal utility theory, the marginal utility, and the instrumentalism view of the theories. These theories may not perfectly express how human do when they are making choices for a behaviorist because being too psychological, but they are sometimes useful. 

The Theory of Rational Choice
The Theory of Rational Choice takes a great part on the economics. It was a way of ordering desires. From the law [L] mentions in the previous parts of the book, the actions are related to desires. Thus, the marginalists transformed it to an assumption that people do things rationally. That is, between all the choices, people will do the most beneficial one. They call the additional utilities gained from one unit of commodity the marginal utility. By using the idea, they can construct relationship between quantity and price, finally predict the market-clearing equilibrium. Farther, they think the equilibrium will happen naturally, so the government don’t need to do much planning. The phenomena is called by Adam Smith the invisible hand. The preference of a person was called ‘’cardinal utility’’, which is absolute.
However, is this theory really true? It seems not so in many cases, but we do not have a way to test if the utilities are deceptive or not. In order to analyzing the theory of rational choice mathematically, they assumed the ‘’ordinal preference’’:
1. The utility of commodities is comparable.
2. The utility of commodities have transitivity, i.e. a>b and b>c then a>c.
3. People are rational and will choose the commodity that maximizes the utility.
This kind of utility is only relative and only concerns about the behavior (what people choose).

Behaviorism and Instrumentalism
The cardinal utility still have failures. People may change through time, and it is difficult to know if people really does things rationally. For the behaviorists, it is still too psychological. If we come to desire and implicit utilities, it is psychology.
  Another kind of view is the instrumentalism. It takes a useful theory only as a tool to systemize human actions. The terms desire and belief are merely nouns invented to be useful. It comes up with the view of a ‘’black box’’, that is, we can only deal with the ‘’inputs’’ and ‘’outputs’’ of a person, not going to understand mental reality. And all the theories applied to economy is just models.
One of the idealized theory invented to predict general equilibrium assume that:
1. Agents are rational.
2. Agent can complete information.
3. Commodity are infinity divisible.
4. The production efficient always remains the same.
5. Purchasing and selling can be done in any time.
These assumptions can be analyzed with mathematics and prove the existence of equilibrium. Through the assumptions may be too idealized, they are essential in economics because they can make predictions in some range of error. The instrumentalists do not care about is the theory really true or whether they can applied to human mind. They just care if the theory is practical or not.
Here comes another point. A practical view still should be tested by experiment. Without testing, we can never know our predictions really come true in given conditions. It is also true in natural sciences and all the idealized theories and laws.

The Benefits of Psychology
Only if we view economics theories as instruments can we applied idealized assumptions and psychology to real word. The author claims that some progress in psychology can also benefit the predictions of economics. New psychological phenomenon are found and studied every day. These results can someday be used in economics and other social sciences, even though we can hardly what human mind really is.

Personal Opinions

I think that the psychological view of [L] seems very easy to accept at first sight. In fact, it is hard to prove. When using rational choice theory to the complex society, we often found it too difficult to control all the variations. However, maybe we can observe the human society and economical behaviors with the statistical methods to find some new laws.   

Grothendieck universe

Grothendieck universe
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
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In mathematics, a Grothendieck universe is a set with the following properties:
1.     If x  U and if y  x, then y  U.
2.     If x,y  U, then {x,y}  U.
3.     If x  U, then P(x)  U. (P(x) is the power set of x.)
4.     If  is a family of elements of U, and if I U, then the union  is an element of U.
A Grothendieck universe is meant to provide a set in which all of mathematics can be performed. (In fact, it provides a model for set theory.) As an example, we will prove an easy proposition.
Proposition 1.
If x  U and y  x, then y  U.
y  P(x) because y  x. P(x)  U because x  U, so y  U.
It is similarly easy to prove that any Grothendieck universe U contains:
  • All singletons of each of its elements,
  • All products of all families of elements of U indexed by an element of U,
  • All disjoint unions of all families of elements of U indexed by an element of U,
  • All intersections of all families of elements of U indexed by an element of U,
  • All functions between any two elements of U, and
  • All subsets of U whose cardinal is an element of U.
In particular, it follows from the last axiom that if U is non-empty, it must contain all of its finite subsets and a subset of each finite cardinality. One can also prove immediately from the definitions that the intersection of any class of universes is a universe.
Grothendieck universes are equivalent to strongly inaccessible cardinals. More formally, the following two axioms are equivalent:
(U) For all sets x, there exists a Grothendieck universe U such that x  U.
(C) For all cardinals κ, there is a strongly inaccessible cardinal λ which is strictly larger than κ.
To prove this fact, we give explicit constructions. Let κ be a strongly inaccessible cardinal. Say that a set S is strictly of type κ if for any sequence sn  ...  s0 S, |sn| < κ. (S itself corresponds to the empty sequence.) Then the set u(κ) of all sets strictly of type κ is a Grothendieck universe of cardinality κ. The proof of this fact is long, so for details, we refer to Bourbaki's article, listed in the references.
To show that the large cardinal axiom (C) implies the universe axiom (U), choose a set x. Let x0 = x, and for all n, let xn = x be the union of the elements ofx. Let y = nxn. By (C), there is a strongly inaccessible cardinal κ such that |y| < κ. Let u(κ) be the universe of the previous paragraph. x is strictly of type κ, so x  u(κ). To show that the universe axiom (U) implies the large cardinal axiom (C), choose a strongly inaccessible cardinal κ. κ is the cardinality of the Grothendieck universe u(κ). By (U), there is a Grothendieck universe V such that U  V. Then κ < 2κ ≤ |V|.
In fact, any Grothendieck universe is of the form u(κ) for some κ. This gives another form of the equivalence between Grothendieck universes and strongly inaccessible cardinals:
For any Grothendieck universe U, |U| is a strongly inaccessible cardinal, and for any strongly inaccessible cardinal κ, there is a Grothendieck universe u(κ). Furthermore, u(|U|)=U, and |u(κ)|=κ.
Since the existence of strongly inaccessible cardinals cannot be proved from the axioms of Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory, the existence of universes cannot be proved from Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory either.
The idea of universes is due to Alexander Grothendieck, who used them as a way of avoiding proper classes in algebraic geometry.
Bourbaki, N., Univers, appendix to Exposé I of Artin, M., Grothendieck, A., Verdier, J. L., eds., Théorie des Topos et Cohomologie Étale des Schémas (SGA 4), second edition, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 1972.
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Grothendieck universe

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In mathematics, a Grothendieck universe is a set U with the following properties:
1.     If x is an element of U and if y is an element of x, then y is also an element of U. (U is a transitive set.)
2.     If x and y are both elements of U, then {x,y} is an element of U.
3.     If x is an element of U, then P(x), the power set of x, is also an element of U.
4.     If \{x_{\alpha }\}_{{\alpha \in I}} is a family of elements of U, and if I is an element of U, then the union \bigcup _{{\alpha \in I}}x_{\alpha } is an element of U.
Elements of a Grothendieck universe are sometimes called small sets.
A Grothendieck universe is meant to provide a set in which all of mathematics can be performed. (In fact, uncountable Grothendieck universes provide models of set theory with the natural -relation, natural powerset operation etc.) As an example, we will prove an easy proposition.
Proposition. If x\in U and y\subseteq x, then y\in U.
Proof. y\in P(x) because y\subseteq x. P(x)\in U because x\in U, so y\in U.
The axioms of Grothendieck universes imply that every set is an element of some Grothendieck universe.
It is similarly easy to prove that any Grothendieck universe U contains:
·        All singletons of each of its elements,
·        All products of all families of elements of U indexed by an element of U,
·        All disjoint unions of all families of elements of U indexed by an element of U,
·        All intersections of all families of elements of U indexed by an element of U,
·        All functions between any two elements of U, and
·        All subsets of U whose cardinal is an element of U.
In particular, it follows from the last axiom that if U is non-empty, it must contain all of its finite subsets and a subset of each finite cardinality. One can also prove immediately from the definitions that the intersection of any class of universes is a universe.
The idea of universes is due to Alexander Grothendieck, who used them as a way of avoiding proper classes in algebraic geometry.
The concept of a Grothendieck universe can be defined in a topos. [1]

Grothendieck universes and inaccessible cardinals[edit]

There are two simple examples of Grothendieck universes:
·        The empty set, and
·        The set of all hereditarily finite sets V_{\omega }.
Other examples are more difficult to construct. Loosely speaking, this is because Grothendieck universes are equivalent tostrongly inaccessible cardinals. More formally, the following two axioms are equivalent:
(U) For each set x, there exists a Grothendieck universe U such that x  U.
(C) For each cardinal κ, there is a strongly inaccessible cardinal λ that is strictly larger than κ.
To prove this fact, we introduce the function c(U). Define:
{\mathbf  {c}}(U)=\sup _{{x\in U}}|x|
where by |x| we mean the cardinality of x. Then for any universe U, c(U) is either zero or strongly inaccessible. Assuming it is non-zero, it is a strong limit cardinal because the power set of any element of U is an element of U and every element of U is a subset of U. To see that it is regular, suppose that cλ is a collection of cardinals indexed by I, where the cardinality of I and of each cλ is less than c(U). Then, by the definition of c(U), I and each cλ can be replaced by an element of U. The union of elements of Uindexed by an element of U is an element of U, so the sum of the cλ has the cardinality of an element of U, hence is less thanc(U). By invoking the axiom of foundation, that no set is contained in itself, it can be shown that c(U) equals |U|; when the axiom of foundation is not assumed, there are counterexamples (we may take for example U to be the set of all finite sets of finite sets etc. of the sets xα where the index α is any real number, and xα = {xα} for each α. Then U has the cardinality of the continuum, but all of its members have finite cardinality and so {\mathbf  {c}}(U)=\aleph _{0} ; see Bourbaki's article for more details).
Let κ be a strongly inaccessible cardinal. Say that a set S is strictly of type κ if for any sequence sn  ...  s0  S, |sn| < κ. (Sitself corresponds to the empty sequence.) Then the set u(κ) of all sets strictly of type κ is a Grothendieck universe of cardinality κ. The proof of this fact is long, so for details, we again refer to Bourbaki's article, listed in the references.
To show that the large cardinal axiom (C) implies the universe axiom (U), choose a set x. Let x0 = x, and for each n, let xn+1 = \bigcup xn be the union of the elements of xn. Let y = \bigcup _{n}xn. By (C), there is a strongly inaccessible cardinal κ such that |y| < κ. Let u(κ)be the universe of the previous paragraph. x is strictly of type κ, so x  u(κ). To show that the universe axiom (U) implies the large cardinal axiom (C), choose a cardinal κ. κ is a set, so it is an element of a Grothendieck universe U. The cardinality of U is strongly inaccessible and strictly larger than that of κ.
In fact, any Grothendieck universe is of the form u(κ) for some κ. This gives another form of the equivalence between Grothendieck universes and strongly inaccessible cardinals:
For any Grothendieck universe U, |U| is either zero, \aleph _{0}, or a strongly inaccessible cardinal. And if κ is zero, \aleph _{0}, or a strongly inaccessible cardinal, then there is a Grothendieck universe u(κ). Furthermore, u(|U|)=U, and |u(κ)| = κ.
Since the existence of strongly inaccessible cardinals cannot be proved from the axioms of Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory (ZFC), the existence of universes other than the empty set and V_{\omega } cannot be proved from ZFC either. However, strongly inaccessible cardinals are on the lower end of the list of large cardinals; thus, most set theories that use large cardinals (such as "ZFC plus there is a measurable cardinal", "ZFC plus there are infinitely many Woodin cardinals") will prove that Grothendieck universes exist.

See also[edit]

·        Constructible universe
·        Inaccessible cardinal
·        Universe (mathematics)
·        Von Neumann universe


1.      Jump up^ Streicher, Thomas (2006). "Universe in a Topos". From Sets and Types to Topology and Analysis: Towards Practicable Foundations for Constructive Mathematics. Clarendon Press. pp. 78––90. ISBN 9780198566519.
Bourbaki, Nicolas (1972). "Univers". In Michael Artin, Alexandre Grothendieck, Jean-Louis Verdier, eds. Séminaire de Géométrie Algébrique du Bois Marie - 1963-64 - Théorie des topos et cohomologie étale des schémas - (SGA 4) - vol. 1 (Lecture notes in mathematics 269) (in French). Berlin; New York: Springer-Verlag. pp. 185–217.
·        Set-theoretic universes
·        Category theory
·        Large cardinals

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